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10 Quick Wins for Boosting Your Organisation's Sustainability

Small steps, big impact! See how 10 quick sustainability wins can improve your organisation in just a fortnight.
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TLDR: FutureTracker presents ten straightforward strategies for enhancing your organisation's sustainability within a fortnight. These include adopting energy-efficient lighting, enabling remote work, going paperless, promoting zero-emissions commuting, and setting up recycling stations. While these quick wins can provide immediate benefits, achieving lasting sustainability involves integrating these practices deeply within your organisation's operations and culture.

Organisational sustainability is quickly becoming essential in the business world. However, the journey to becoming more sustainable doesn't have to be daunting or time-consuming. At FutureTracker, we believe in making sustainability accessible, effective, and tailored to your organisation's unique needs.

Here are ten quick wins you can implement in under two weeks to kickstart your sustainability journey!

1. Switch to Energy-Efficient Lighting

Transitioning to LED lighting is more than a simple bulb change; it's an investment in long-term energy efficiency and green technology. LEDs consume significantly less power, have a longer lifespan, and generate less heat, contributing to reduced cooling needs and energy bills. This change can be swiftly executed by conducting an audit of existing lighting fixtures and planning a phased rollout to minimise disruption.

2. Implement a Remote Work Policy

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, can lead to substantial reductions in carbon emissions associated with commuting. It's crucial to develop clear guidelines to maintain productivity and to provide necessary tools and technologies that facilitate effective remote work.

3. Encourage a Paperless Office

Transitioning to digital systems not only reduces paper use but also enhances efficiency and accessibility of information. Start by identifying processes that rely heavily on paper and introduce digital alternatives, such as electronic signatures and digital document management systems.

4. Encourage Zero-Emissions Transport

Encouraging employees to walk or cycle to work is a highly effective way to reduce the carbon footprint associated with commuting. This initiative not only benefits the environment by lowering emissions but also contributes to the health and well-being of your workforce. To promote zero-emissions transport, consider utilising incentives such as prize draws or team challenges.

5. Reduce Single-Use Plastics

Eliminating single-use plastics by providing reusable alternatives helps in tackling the plastic pollution crisis. Initiate a campaign to raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastics and offer practical alternatives like company-branded reusable items.

6. Adopt a Plant-Based Day

Embracing a plant-based diet, even for just one day a week, can have a profound impact on the environment. For businesses without in-house catering, implementing a "Plant-Based Day" can be achieved through an engaging opt-in program. Encourage employees to bring vegan meals from home on a designated day each week.

7. Promote Digital Meetings

Leveraging video conferencing tools to replace in-person meetings can lead to substantial reductions in travel-related carbon emissions. Invest in reliable digital meeting platforms and provide training to ensure all employees can utilise these tools effectively.

8. Start a Carpooling Program

Establishing a carpooling initiative involves creating a platform or system where employees can connect and arrange shared commutes. This effort requires clear communication and incentives to encourage participation, such as reserved parking places for carpool vehicles.

9. Adjust Computer Settings

Implementing energy-saving settings across all computers can lead to significant energy savings with minimal effort. Educate employees on the importance of these settings and consider using management software to standardise energy-saving configurations.

10. Set Up Recycling Stations

Effective recycling starts with convenient and well-labelled recycling bins throughout the workplace. This initiative should be complemented by education on what can and cannot be recycled, to ensure high compliance and reduce contamination.

Beyond the Quick Wins

While these steps are a great start, true sustainability is a journey, not a destination. These actions can lead to immediate improvements, but the path to deep, lasting change requires a holistic approach, integrating sustainability into the core of your business strategy.

FutureTracker is here to guide you through this journey, offering a platform that combines expert knowledge with cutting-edge tools to tailor a sustainability journey that aligns with your organisation's goals, priorities, and resources.

Embracing sustainability means more than just implementing quick fixes; it's about embedding sustainable principles into your organisation's DNA and committing to continuous improvement. Let's embark on this journey together, crafting a sustainable future where your business and the planet can thrive!

If you’d like to learn about how FutureTracker can help your business, book a demo here.

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